Section 2 -- No Lobbying

This section is an expansion of a portion of Section 1.  Organizations cannot vote, so they must not be allowed to lobby or communicate with government officials or have a voice in government decision-making.  Only voting constituents should be allowed to communicate with government officials and have a say in how our country is run.  Organizations have an out-sized share of voice due to their money and power, thus they can warp reality.  They've been able to contribute massive amounts of money to candidates and causes, which in essence is bribery.  This must stop.  The daily schedules of all government officials and their entire staff must be accurate, complete, timely, and publicly available always.  All communications to or from government officials and their staff must be recorded, no exceptions.  Some communications may be deemed confidential, but they must still be recorded and available as needed to uncover corruption, post facto.  The burden of proving that all communications are only with voting constituents is upon the government official.


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